Prevent your emails from going to spam with the new Google and Yahoo policies

Prevent your emails from going to spam with the new Google and Yahoo policies

01 Feb 2024 | By: José González

As an email sender, you know that maintaining optimal deliverability rates involves several aspects: the content of the email, your audience and their interaction with you, and, of course, your reputation as a sender.

This is especially relevant if you carry out email marketing and if you send from multiple domains.

Index of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. New Google and Yahoo Policies
  3. Preparing for the Changes
  4. How Whitewall Software Can Help You
  5. Conclusions


As an email sender, you know that maintaining optimal deliverability rates involves several fundamental aspects that intertwine to ensure the success of your campaigns. The content of your emails acts as the very essence of your message, transmitting valuable information, irresistible promotions or relevant news to your audience.

The relationship with your audience also plays a crucial role. Understanding their needs, preferences and behaviors allows you to personalize your messages, creating a stronger connection and encouraging engagement. Interaction with you, whether through clicks, opens, or responses, provides valuable data about your audience’s level of engagement.

However, one factor that often goes unnoticed but is extremely important is your reputation as a sender. This reputation is the calling card that determines the trust that email service providers and recipients have in your messages. A good sender reputation is essential to prevent your emails from ending up in the spam folder and ensure they reach your recipients’ inboxes.

This becomes even more relevant if you are involved in email marketing strategies and manage shipments from multiple domains. Each domain associated with your emails contributes to the email services’ overall perception of you as a sender. Maintaining a positive reputation becomes an invaluable asset to achieve your deliverability and engagement goals.

New Google and Yahoo Policies

Key Requirements

Google and Yahoo have implemented new email sender policies starting in February, and understanding the key requirements is essential to maintaining optimal deliverability and avoiding engagement and visibility issues with your messages.

Domain Authentication with SPF and DKIM

One of the crucial aspects of these new policies is domain authentication through SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). These protocols provide email services, such as Gmail and Yahoo, with strong verification that emails sent from your domain are legitimate and do not originate from spoofing practices.

Before February, it is imperative that you verify SPF and DKIM approval for all your sending domains. This step not only complies with the new policies, but also reinforces your reputation as a trusted sender.

DMARC Implementation

Another key requirement is the implementation of DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance). DMARC acts as an additional layer of security by unifying and strengthening SPF and DKIM authentications. By implementing DMARC, you’re adding an extra layer of protection against potential spoofing attempts and improving the perception of your emails as legitimate.

If you haven’t implemented DMARC yet, now is the ideal time to do so. Be sure to follow the guides provided by Google and Yahoo to set up DMARC effectively and optimize the authentication of your emails.

These requirements are not only mandatory to comply with the new policies, but they also play a crucial role in building and maintaining your reputation as a trusted sender. Not overlooking these technical details will ensure that your messages arrive in your recipients’ inbox without problems.

Remember, domain authentication and DMARC implementation are strategic investments for the continued success of your email marketing strategy and the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Importance of Verification

Verifying your sending domain using SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is not only a technical formality, but a fundamental pillar that supports the credibility and authenticity of your messages.

SPF and its Role in Verification

The SPF protocol acts as a protective shield by defining which servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain. By registering and specifying allowed email servers, you provide email service providers, such as Gmail and Yahoo, with a trusted list of sources for your messages. This not only ensures the authenticity of the sender, but also prevents malicious emails from impersonating you.

DKIM and its Contribution to Authenticity

DKIM, on the other hand, adds an extra layer of authentication by digitally signing your messages. By attaching a unique signature to each outgoing email, recipients can verify the integrity of the content and confirm that the message has not been altered during transit. This further reinforces the legitimacy of your communications, ensuring that recipients can trust the source of the messages they receive.

The Certainty of Being an Authorized Sender

Together, verification through SPF and DKIM gives email service providers solid assurance that you are an authorized and legitimate sender. This certification is essential to prevent your messages from being marked as spam and ensure that they reach your recipients’ inbox.

Maintaining strong domain authentication is not only a technical requirement, but a proactive strategy to build and preserve your reputation as a trusted sender. By meeting these verification standards, you establish a solid foundation for the continued success of your email marketing campaigns and ensure that your messages are received with confidence by your audience.

Preparing for the Changes

Given the new policies from Google and Yahoo, it is crucial to anticipate and adjust your shipping strategy to maintain optimal deliverability. Here are concrete steps you can take to properly prepare:

Domain Authentication

Make sure all your sending domains are authenticated with SPF and DKIM. This authentication is not only a measure of compliance with the new policies, but an essential component of proving your authorization as an email sender. By ensuring every outgoing email is backed by these verifications, you strengthen your position as a trusted sender in the eyes of email service providers.

Spam Rate Reduction

Keeping your spam rate below 0.10% is vital to avoid any deliverability issues. Although the new policies set a higher limit at 0.30%, it is advisable to stay considerably below it to have a margin of safety. Clean up your recipient lists, remove inactive addresses, and develop a proactive strategy to reduce spam rates. This not only improves deliverability, but also contributes to a better overall experience for your subscribers.

One-Click Unsubscribe Method

Implementing a one-click unsubscribe method is a best practice that goes beyond compliance. Make it easy for your recipients to exclude from your lists in a simple and direct way, significantly improving their experience. This proactive approach not only meets standards, but also contributes to building long-term relationships with your audience.

DMARC Implementation

Configure DMARC for email authentication. This additional step strengthens protection against spoofing attacks and solidifies your position as a legitimate sender. DMARC provides an additional layer of security by unifying SPF and DKIM authentications, offering a more robust defense against malicious practices. Follow the guidelines provided by Google and Yahoo to ensure an effective and optimized implementation.

By taking these proactive steps, you not only adjust to new policies, but you also improve the overall health of your sending strategy and strengthen your position as a trusted sender in the ever-changing email landscape.

How Whitewall Software Can Help You

In the complex world of email authentication, Whitewall Software presents itself as your reliable ally, providing you with comprehensive solutions to guarantee a successful implementation of the new Google and Yahoo policies. Here are some ways Whitewall Software can be your strategic partner:

Monitoring of Sent Emails

Whitewall Software offers monitoring services for sent emails, allowing you to have a detailed and real-time view of the activity of your messages. This monitoring not only ensures ongoing compliance with authentication policies, but also provides you with valuable insights into the performance of your shipments.

Application of SPF Policies, DKIM and DMARC Implementation

Effective implementation of SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) policies is critical to successful email delivery. Whitewall Software is responsible for applying these policies precisely and adapted to your specific needs, ensuring that each email sent meets the established requirements.

Development of Solutions to Comply with Policies in Case of Multiple Domains

If you find yourself in the situation of sending emails using several domains through the same application, Whitewall Software has the experience and capacity to develop customized solutions. For example, if you use a marketing automation system that limits SMTP settings for sending emails, Whitewall Software can develop technical solutions that fit your specific needs, ensuring consistency in the authentication of your messages regardless of complexity. of your infrastructure.

In short, Whitewall Software not only simplifies the email authentication process, but also customizes solutions to address specific challenges you may face. By outsourcing these tasks to email authentication experts, you ensure that your sending strategy is in professional hands, allowing you to focus on what you do best: effectively connecting with your audience through email.


With policy changes looming from Google and Yahoo, it’s crucial to take a proactive approach to ensure the continued success of your email sending strategy. Here are some essential takeaways and steps you should consider:

Impact on your Shipping Strategy

The changes in Google and Yahoo policies are not mere formalities; will have a direct impact on the way your emails are authenticated and delivered. These changes are likely to influence the visibility of your messages, the interaction with your audience, and ultimately the success of your campaigns. Preparing for these transformations is essential to maintaining optimal deliverability.

Domain Verification with SPF, DKIM and DMARC

Before the new policies take effect, verify the authentication of your domains using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. This step is essential to ensure that your emails are recognized as legitimate by email services. Failure to authenticate can result in reduced deliverability and potentially your messages being flagged as spam.

Strategy Review and Adjustment

It’s time to thoroughly review your current strategy compared to the new established guidelines. Evaluate the quality of your content, the relationship with your audience and, of course, the authentication settings of your emails. Make any necessary adjustments to meet the requirements and optimize your strategy in line with the new guidelines.

Resources Available for Assistance

If the complexity of these updates overwhelms you, remember that there are resources available to assist you. Contact our support team for specific guidance or search for resources provided by Google and Yahoo. Taking advantage of these resources will allow you to effectively address challenges that may arise during this transition period.

Ultimately, adaptability and proactive action are the keys to successfully navigating these policy changes. Make sure you implement the necessary measures to keep your email sending strategy robust and effective in a constantly evolving environment.