Elevate your product management with our OpenPIM implementation services. We'll help you create organized, data-driven, and customizable PIM solutions for enhanced product efficiency.


What is OpenPIM?

OpenPIM is an open-source Product Information Management (PIM) system designed to help businesses effectively manage and organize product-related data. PIM systems are crucial for companies that deal with a large number of products, as they streamline the process of collecting, organizing, and distributing product information.

Key features

Centralized Product Information

Store and manage all product-related data, including descriptions, images, pricing, and specifications, in a centralized repository.

User-Friendly Interface

Enjoy an intuitive and user-friendly interface designed to streamline product data entry, editing, and management tasks.

Product Categorization

Organize products into categories and subcategories for efficient catalog structuring and navigation.

Customizable Data Structures

Customize product data structures, attributes, and relationships to align with your specific business needs and product types.

Product Variants

Support product variants, such as size, color, and style, with the ability to manage and display them seamlessly.

Data Import/Export

Easily import product data from various sources and export data for use in other systems or platforms.

Version Control

Keep track of product data changes with version control, ensuring data accuracy and history tracking.

Multi-Language Support

Manage product information in multiple languages to cater to global markets and customers.

Integration Capabilities

Integrate OpenPIM with e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and other tools to synchronize product data across multiple channels.

User Access Controls

Implement role-based access controls to restrict data access and editing rights to authorized users.

Workflow Automation

Streamline product data management with workflow automation, including approval processes and data validation.

Search and Filtering

Easily locate and filter products based on attributes, categories, and keywords for efficient data retrieval.

Data Quality Assurance

Detect and rectify data inconsistencies, errors, and duplicates with data validation and cleansing tools.

Customizable Templates

Create customizable templates for product data entry, ensuring consistency and adherence to your data standards.

Product Images Management

Manage product images, thumbnails, and galleries to enhance product presentation and user experience.

APIs and Extensions

Utilize APIs and extensions to extend OpenPIM's functionality and integrate with third-party applications.

Data Security

Implement robust security measures, including user authentication, access controls, and data encryption, to protect sensitive product data.

OpenPIM Implementation

OpenPIM implementation involves setting up and configuring the OpenPIM product information management system for your organization. This process includes tasks such as installing the software, importing product data, configuring settings, and customizing it to align with your specific product management needs. The goal is to ensure that OpenPIM is ready to centralize and streamline your product information efficiently.

OpenPIM Implementation

OpenPIM Custom Module Development

OpenPIM custom module development enhances the functionality of the OpenPIM product information management system by creating specialized extensions and add-ons. These modules are tailored to meet specific product management and cataloging requirements, allowing organizations to extend OpenPIM’s capabilities and address unique needs effectively.

OpenPIM Custom Module Development

OpenPIM Maintenance

OpenPIM maintenance involves ongoing tasks such as software updates, data validation, and performance optimizations. It ensures that the OpenPIM product information management system continues to operate smoothly, securely, and efficiently, supporting your organization’s product management and cataloging needs effectively.

OpenPIM Maintenance